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Reflections Part 3

Here’s part 3 of my end-of-the-Race series. I’ve been writing a little something each day to share with you all, and some things are directly from my journal. The end of the Race can be hard, whether you’re on the field for the first time or not. It is also really beautiful and full of a lot of goodness. Check out part 1 and part 2, and follow along for the next two weeks until I’m home!


May 17: Lame clichés that are actually really true. 

“This too shall pass.” I was reminded of this on the phone the other day and today it kept showing up in my thoughts. God is faithful to take me from glory to glory. Right now I feel like I’m nowhere near a place of glory. This refining process is messy and painful and today I would rather throw a temper tantrum about about the discomfort I’m feeling than yield to what the Lord is doing in my heart. I’d rather continue exhausting myself making mental lists and trying to fix myself than listen to what he keeps telling me. Slow down, surrender, trust. But I think I’m starting to remember that my way of doing things isn’t always so great. I believe he is taking me from glory to glory. I’ve seen it. I believe these hard things will pass and I’ll be left with something beautiful. 


May 18: From my Journal. Ten things I like about myself

  1. My sense of humor
  2. My hair
  3. My curiosity
  4. My hands
  5. My love for words
  6. The fact that I love asking questions
  7. My ability to write
  8. My love for life
  9. My honesty
  10. My joy


May 19: Thoughts on Psalm 139

This is one of the psalms that I go back to often and sometimes when I read it I feel like I’m reading it for the first time again. It’s comforting to know that God wove me together and created my inmost being. It brings me peace to know there is nowhere I can go where God’s presence won’t also be. Nothing surprises him. Today this brings me security. And even when I can’t feel him and even when my feelings and circumstances tell me I’m alone, He is always with me and He knows me completely. He is leading me in the way everlasting. 


May 20: Little gifts.

These last few days have been full of little gifts. Ordering pizza and playing games with Team Sol, watching movies on a rainy Saturday, taking walks around the neighborhood, telling stories with Team Free People, blasting Mariah Carey in the shower, great worship at church, random hugs and back scratches, and so many laughs with my Racers. I love them a lot and I love what I’m doing.