Birds have always fascinated me. When I was a kid I would often notice hummingbirds in my backyard and watch them curiously hover around trees. I loved watching them. It’s not often now that I notice hummingbirds, but when I do something within me sparks and I immediately remember when I was young and wasn’t in a rush. I would observe nature, letting my observations lead me to truths about life and God, and to deeper curiosity.
I had the chance to slow down for a few days last week at Lake Atitlan where I spent a few hours each day watching the small waves lap on the rocks, looking at the surrounding mountains, and letting my eyes follow the many birds that flew past our house. There was one little grey bird that particularly caught my attention. It landed on a nearby rock and started picking things out of the ridges. I watched it for a little while, appreciating how cute it was and how funny it looked hopping around that rock.
After a few moments of observing this bird, a bigger wave started coming toward the rock and I braced myself and waited for the bird to either be startled or to get knocked over. To my surprise, the bird paid no attention to the wave and allowed it to wash over the rock and past its little legs as it continued looking for food. It was completely un-phased and unsurprised by the wave. It wasn’t the least bit intimidated. Wave after wave came and the bird paid little attention to the rushing water, simply spreading its wings to maintain balance when a really big one would come.
I was impressed with this bird and the grace with which it navigated the rocks and waves. As I was watching, I heard the Lord gently say to me, “This bird isn’t afraid of the waves because it knows it’s going to be okay. It’s doing what it was created to do.” I sat there wide-eyed at what God had said to me. The bird was fearlessly doing what it was created to do. It wasn’t afraid because it knew everything was going to be fine.
I repeated what he said over and over again in my head and peace washed over me because I knew the Lord was inviting me into deeply and truly believing those things for myself. He was telling me that everything was going to be okay and that he is caring for me even more than he is caring for that little bird. I often let fear paralyze me and stop me from doing what I was created to do. Fear of failure, fear of being wrong, fear of being rejected. And in that moment the Lord showed me that he has more for me than that. He has freedom and purpose. Things will get hard and there will be waves—big waves. But at the end of the day:
When peace like a river attendeth my way When sorrows like sea billows roll Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say It is well, it is well with my soulSo I’m figuring out what it looks like to boldly, unashamedly, fearlessly do what I was created to do and be who I was created to be. It’s messy and it’s hard and the waves still intimidate me, but the truth that God is with me and for me speaks to my soul more deeply than anything else. And so, through the waves, I will continue working out what it looks like to be Andrea—to carry joy wherever I go, to live in deep peace, to love God and love people, and to know I am fully known and loved by God.
“In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33